Ophthalmology - Uveitis
- What is uveitis?
- Diagnosis
- Uveitis surgery and procedure
Do you have a question about the procedure for uveitis surgery?
We can schedule an appointment with the best specialists in Belgium.
Contact our team for more information.
What is uveitis?
Uveitis is a form of eye inflammation. It affects the middle layer of the tissue in the eye wall (uvea), the layer that lies between the retina and the other layer composed of the sclera and cornea.
It primarily affects people at ages 20 to 50 and can affect both eyes. Warning signs often occur suddenly and deteriorate very fast and mostly causes eye redness, blurred vision and a lot of pain.
Causes of uveitis might be infections, injuries, an autoimmune or inflammatory disease or a cancer that affects the eye (for example lymphoma). In a lot of cases where people suffer from uveitis, it is impossible to establish the main cause of it.
To diagnose, the doctor needs the following examinations and results:
- Blood tests
- Fluid from the eye analysis
- Angiography = photo to evaluate retinal blood flow
- Photo to measure the thickness of the retinal tissue to determine if there is fluid in or under the retina
For international patients, it is recommended to provide us your medical history and medical documents so the doctor can decide if a preliminary examination in Belgium is necessary.
Uveitis surgery and procedure
If there is an underlying condition, the treatment will concentrate on that specific condition. The goal of the treatment is to reduce the inflammation in your eye.
Surgical options:
- Vitrectomy: surgery to remove the damaged part of your vitreous
- Surgery to implant a device into the eye to foresee a slow and continuous release of medication. The device releases corticosteroid medication into the eye for two to three years.
The recovery strongly depends in which part of the eye uveitis has occurred. Uveitis that affects the back of your eye tends to heal more slowly than uveitis in the front eye.
After your treatment, a check-up on a regular basis is necessary.
Do you have a question about the procedure for uveitis surgery?
We can schedule an appointment with the best specialists in Belgium.
Do you have a question about the procedure for uveitis surgery? We can schedule an appointment with the best specialists in Belgium.
Contact our team for more information.